Tuesday, June 15, 2021

210615 Thankful


Since my first job I have yet to be without an income, unless I did not want a position. We have had lean times and fat times, times when we lived on hot dogs and french-fries and ketchup, but we always had food. Looking back on life, I am happy for the lean times because those periods help me appreciate where we are today. We are by no standard wealthy, but we are doing okay.

If I had to do it all over again, I could as long as I had Joyce with me, by my side. In fact I would relish the opportunity. There were other girls I dated before Joyce, but there was not one who would have stayed with me during the rough times. We were once two individuals, now we are one.

The tongue is soft and endures; the teeth are hard and eventually fall out.

You may hide something from people you know, but you can hide nothing from God.

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