Saturday, June 12, 2021

210612 The Sentinel, Pictures 1957 to 1969

Pictures and background from 1957 to 1969.

This first picture is me and my cousin holding my oldest sister Grace after her baptismal. We were her God parents.

This picture was me before leaving on my first ever date. I was with Mary Catherine from school, a girl that I did not like at all and why that happened was through a conversation between our two mothers ( thanks a lot mom). It was a horrible dance and with me in the white sport coat I matched those worn by the staff at wherever it was. The thing that made it even worse was afterward I found out that Barbara, the girl I was interested in was just a step behind Mary Catherine and I would have loved going with her. That's life!
This picture was me and Joyce on our wedding day, January 1964 in Millington, Tennessee. It was a wedding neither parents wanted, but it was what we wanted and while they thought it would never last, it's only been 57 years so far.
This picture was on my 21st birthday with the first new car I ever bought; it was taken in San Diego.
This picture was me in Hong Kong in December of 1966 or January 1967, not that the actual date is important.
I left on cruise in early November of 1966 and as sailors do, they have a lot of sex with wives just before leaving, as if that would last for months. That was when our daughter was conceived. I do however have a picture of Joyce pregnant, near-term in June of 1967. Grandpa took the picture. I love it but Joyce is not too fond of it. The cruise was shorter than normal and Joyce was late delivering.One giant event in 1967 that I do not have a picture for was the arrival of our baby girl.I was in the hospital alone with the nurse when she counted 10 fingers and 10 toes on one of the most beautiful infants I ever saw, Annie.
This picture is of me and brother Rob (God rest his soul) in 1968.
This last picture is from 1969 with Joyce, me and that little Annie at 1.5 years old. Another picture grandpa took.

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