Friday, June 11, 2021

210611 The Sentinel, Change

Everything changes in our modern world.

We humans often do not like change, but there is no stopping it. When I was just 16 the radio in my car quit working, so I went to a radio repair shop to see if the guy could repair it. The radio was so old it still had vacuum tubes and they had failed. For those of you who have no idea of what a vacuum tube is, they did what transistors and integrated circuits do now in all of our modern devices. Just going into that man’s small radio repair shop triggered me and that was what I wanted to do with my life. I enlisted in the navy and they told me I could be anything I wanted, so I chose to become an aviation electronics tech so I could work on radios. By the time I was leaving the navy, no one repaired radios anymore, so I studied TV repair. Well that all changed because few people wanted TV sets repaired because they became so cheap it was more money to repair one than buying a new set. I went into computer electronics and before too long they no longer needed a lot of repairs as they once did. I finished my working days at Litton/Northrop/Grumman repairing circuit boards, and they shut down just as I was old enough to draw my social security. My point here is that things keep changing whether we want them to or not. It is out of our control, so we just have to roll with the punches no matter how tough they can be.

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