Thursday, June 10, 2021

210610 The Sentinel, Nice

One more nice thing happened here yesterday.

Eight days ago I wrote about our small town and how nice it and the people here were. Yesterday I had another example of my post eight days ago.

I had gone out to empty trash and check the mail. That was at 1030 am. I cannot imagine how I made a huge mistake, but I did and it could have turned out very bad. I checked our mailbox and removed two items. Then I closed the box, but left the key in the lock and walked back to our apartment. The mail key also had our house key with it. 20 minutes later there was a loud knock at the door. We answered and two of our neighbors, whom we did not know, apologized as they handed us our keys and said they did not see or touch anything in the mailbox. They had the keys to our kingdom and never hesitated to return them. I am not sure that would have happened in a big town.

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