Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Sentinel, Reincarnation and near death experiences 210512

      I hesitate in sending this, thinking many if not most of you will believe I am crazy, sacreligious or just plain misinformed.

      I brought this up to an old friend over 20 years ago and his basis for it being fiction was that with the number of people alive at that time there would not be enough souls in history to reincarnate. Today scientists believe the number of people who have ever lived is upward of 100 billion. With only 8-9 billion alive today, there are more than enough souls to reincarnate over and over.

      You might consider this, we are in some way a biological reincarnation of every single ancestor that came before us, back to the beginning of time. Their DNA is in us today. Body and soul are two different things. My interest is in the soul.

      You folks who study the bible would know that Jesus reincarnated Lazarus after Lazarus was dead for four days. Jesus himself was dead and in a tomb for three days and rose from the dead, a biblical reincarnation. That same God is with us today. God made nature and everything He has made never goes to waste; it recycles. Plants die and fertilize growth of new plants. Animals die and make food for scavengers and insects. Logically if God does this for plants and animals, why would he ever let a soul die and be totally gone?

      Lately I have been watching Youtube videos on what are called NDE (near death experiences). These are neurosurgeons that have personally had the experiences and come back to life after being clinically dead, for 20 minutes to as long as a week. They all have had similar, wonderful experiences with what they observed during that time of being clinically dead. Now no longer fear death as I once did. More about that in an upcoming post.

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