Monday, May 10, 2021

Sentinel, life in the slow lane 210510

      I lived my life in the fast lane when I worked. Now I live in the slow lane and I must say it is more pleasant to do that.

      During my working careers I was always rushing to work. I never left home with a moment to spare. Just like everyone else, I was flying low level down the highways to make it to work on time. During my years on the farm there were many times with snow on the ground and I, like everyone else drove too fast. Many times in spring and fall there was dense fog. The vehicles ahead of me were speeding through the fog, making a slight tunnel through it with me closely behind them and keeping the tunnel open for the lineup that followed me. Many times I wondered if the trailblazer leading the pack hit another car or a deer and was stopped in the middle of the highway there would have been a colossal pileup, blocking the highway for a mile or so. Did that slow me down? Not even a little bit! Why it was so important to clock in on time is now a mystery to me.

      My only highway driving these days is to a doctor’s appointment in Springfield. I leave early so I can get there with time to spare. That said, I am the only one driving at the speed limit or somewhat below. Even at the limit people are passing me in droves, flying by me I assume because they are as I once was, leaving late and needing to clock in to their workplaces.

      We have become an instant society. Everything has to be done in rapid motion. There seems to be too much to accomplish in every single day, so everyone is in a big hurry. There is no time to take any task or event at a slow pace and enjoy what we are doing at the moment. People are trying to put two days of activity into one day. That is our reality. Now when I have more time than money, I can sit back, slow down and enjoy every moment of every day and I am able to enjoy what time I have left on this planet. I highly recommend it to anyone who can afford to follow this plan.


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