Friday, May 14, 2021

Sentinel, Iris 210514

       Iris is a somewhat versatile word. It can be a flower or a name or an essential part of the human eye.

      This post is about the flower. I have never personally known a woman named Iris and we all have an iris in our eyes that is the colored part of the eye and it opens or closes with the amount of light the eye is receiving.

       Today I was driving down a local street and saw a beautiful patch of Iris. The Iris was a blue variety that was stunning! We had a plethora of Iris on the farm, many varieties supplied by my old buddy Steve Williams. His dad was a prolific gatherer of every type of Iris and when he passed on Steve gave me many tubers of his dad’s collection. The Iris is a magnificent bloomer and is as tough as nails. They never go away and will withstand any weather situation, ice, snow, wind and they still keep producing. Not only that, but each color takes its turn when it blooms, so one replaces the other in time. I have had them blow over to the ground in storms and they would turn up and still send up a flower. I gave several bags full of tubers to my mother one fall. She took them home, put them in her garage and forgot them. They were exposed to the entire winter on a concrete floor with freezing temperatures. That spring she had my dad throw them out by a highway near their home, thinking they had been ruined. They popped up without being set into the ground and bloomed. They continued blooming for years.



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