Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sentinel, Spelunking 210527

      It seems to me like we are now spelunking in our daily lives. Spelunking refers to exploring in caves.

      We are living in an apartment on the bottom floor with a different alignment than before. We can see the sun outside, but it never shows directly into our home. That is good for Joyce because she has difficulty with her one usable eye when there is bright sunshine.

      Here we have people coming and going on a regular basis. I don’t know if it is because they are renting month to month while waiting for a home to be built or closing an offer on a new home or maybe they are here, sent by their company to set up an office or local factory. One thing that is beneficial here is the dumpsters. People moving away set things out by the dumpster and others moving in pick things up and use them while they are here. I met a man at the dumpster one day as I was disposing of something we no longer used and he asked if he could have it? I replied that he could. It turned out that he has an outlet for most anything and it supplements his income, which is fine with me.

      Living in a small town is great for us at our age. Everything is close at hand and we never have to travel a long distance to get what we need. Since we have been here, I put gas in my car once a month or more and it has yet taken more than 6 gallons to top off the tank.

      Life has been good so far!

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