Friday, May 28, 2021

Sentinel, Modern Marvels 210528

      The ever-changing world we live in is spectacular!

      I remember my first computer back in the late nineties. It was a large desktop that was by today’s standards, miniscule. It had a 4.3 gigabyte spinning drive that was slow as it could be. I paid $1000 for it and another $120 for a scanner. The computer took several minutes just to startup. I could start it and go for a cup of coffee and be back before it was done loading the operating system. As bad as it was, it was still more computer power than what the astronauts had when they went to the moon.

      Since then computers operate so much faster it is hard to imagine. Now I have a computer with a solid state drive that is ready to go in a few seconds. That is wonderful, but not nearly as great as one of our latest inventions.

       My focus today is the modern cell phone. This is an electronic marvel, unlike the first mobile phones that were primitive and expensive to use and were the size of an old time dialup phone. This new cell phone has more power than any of my old desktop computers and I hold it in my hand. My cell phone is a $29 phone that costs me $21 a month. It is not in the same category of a $1000 Apple or Samsung phone, but it makes all the calls I need or want to make and it doesn’t matter if I call across town or long distance. I know things could get even better with the continual development in electronics; the sky is the limit.


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