Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sentinel, The Sound of Silence 210502

      A strange thing happened this morning at precisely eight o’clock.

      We live in a good sized town, in a good sized apartment complex next to a housing area. We have neighbors on the other side of two walls, a neighbor upstairs and one just across a narrow hallway. We are one block away from a four lane highway and we are close to a fire and police station. There are dogs in every adjoining apartment. There are at least 50 vehicles in our parking area. We have a refrigerator, a hot water heater and furnace/air conditioner, so there is always noise. I have a hearing issue that has gone on for over 20 years now and has increased over those years. My ears ring incessantly. I now have super-powered hearing. I hear conversations through the walls. I hear the battery clock ticking two rooms away. All in all it’s super annoying.

       If it’s not our appliances running, it’s a siren blasting, a dog barking, a riding mower running, someone hot rodding motorcycle or a car nearly a block away and sometimes even further. I live in a noise filled world.

      This morning at eight o’clock my world went silent! Even my ears quit ringing for the first time in over 20 years. The perfect silence was amazing! Had Joyce not been sitting four feet away, I might have thought I went deaf. I jokingly proposed a question, “did the rest of the world suddenly cease to function?” It remained that way for several minutes and then it began to give me a creepy feeling. I was just not used to silence.


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