Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Sentinel, Lifetime 210505

      I have learned a lot in my lifetime.

      The picture below is a free picture curteosy of Shutterstock.

      A person has good and bad times as he/she moves along during life on this planet Earth. The amazing thing is no matter how bad things may seem, he/she can adapt to the situation and survive, but only if they try to make the best out of a bad situation. The human mind is a wonder of creation. A human mind works by use of chemicals. The balance of chemicals in the brain determines whether we feel good or bad. A proper diet makes those chemicals balance well. A brain works mainly off of fats along with vitamins and minerals. That said, a person can constantly be in a bad frame of mind with a poor diet.

      If you watched the video included in my post of May first, the first step is all about proper brain diet. There is one thing that will prevent any person from having a good mental state and that is if he/she has a mind that has been closed by greed, hate, ego or envy. Those things can cause a person to believe that only acquiring more material things will make he/she happy by showing others their status so people will look up to them.

      At this point a logical person might ask, how the hell do I know those things to be the truth? There is an easy answer to the question; the answer is I have tried and suffered through every one of those sins of greed, hate, ego and envy, along with the poor brain diet. I therefore cannot recommend living in that manner. Only you can live your life and only you can control it.

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