Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sentinel, 10 things 210501

      I nearly always send you things that are uniquely my own thoughts and stories, but today I have to share something I just watched last night.

      I am sending you a link to a video on Youtube that will either make you feel better about yourself or let you know ways to improve your cognitive functioning and life in general. It’s only 10 minutes long, so I urge you to take 10 minutes out of your day and watch the video.

      10 Ways to improve your life.

      If you are not wanting to watch that, Here’s something you did not know. When I started writing and posting things over 20 years ago I wanted to have a catch-phrase that was unique. That something was ‘The Sentinel’, of course I did not realize that ‘The Sentinel ' is the name of dozens of newspapers I had never heard of before. My reason for the title came from an old book by Arthur C. Clark titled ‘The Sentinel,’ a science fiction book about an eternal sentinel on a non-earth planet. The sentinel was an eternal watcher of all things. Clark set the stage for more science fiction writers and movies on his stories, like “2001 a space odyssey.”


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