Monday, May 17, 2021

Sentinel, Reinventing 210517

Life can be funny at times. I have heard people say that we should always be reinventing ourselves. For a long time I thought about that, what it really meant and more so; how does a person do that? I don’t remember if anyone ever explained that.
The whole thing was a mystery to me. I always worked in electronics and while there were times that I just wanted to work at something different, which never worked out for long, if at all. Interviewers would ask what I had been doing before this and how long I was doing it. When I answered them, the reply was always the same, “That is what you should go back to; if we hire you, you will be going back to electronics in a few months.” Perhaps they knew me better than I knew myself.”
Now after much distress with the concept of reinventing myself, I believe by Jove I’ve got it! It was right in front of me all of the time. It never had anything to do with changing jobs or careers at all. It has everything to do with reinventing our own mental processing. It means recognizing there will be suffering in all of our lives and stopping the negative thinking, avoiding slander, gossip, abusive language and when speaking, only speaking the truth, behave peacefully, not exploiting other people and keeping a positive attitude.
Those things above are not easy to do; it takes effort, but the rewards are wonderful!

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