Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sentinel, Imagination 210515

      We humans have a wonderful power in our minds. It is called imagination.

      We can use that power to create marvelous stories in our minds. We can daydream about being a superhero and saving a damsel in distress. We can think about how great it would be to fly about town like the old superman TV shows. We can look into a large mirror and fantasize about what world might exist on the other side of that mirror, what is in there that we don’t see reflected?

       Science-fiction writers over the decades have conjured up magical worlds with things that did not exist then and yet sometimes those things become real. Sometimes the people who read those stories get ideas and make those magical things become reality.

      It doesn’t take a mental genius to imagine things. Anyone can imagine and with that wild, seemingly crazy idea in your head, if you dream it and believe in it; you can make it happen. It is not possible to dream of something one day and have it become true the next day. It requires work and faith in your ability to make your dreams come true. What we think, is what we do and what we do makes us what we are and what we are today makes us what we become in the future.


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