Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Sentinel, do not read this post 210518

If you have gotten this far, you will probably not like what is here.

I am not having a good day and when that happens I lose my positive oulook and I go negative. What I have written here is true; it's just not what some people do not like to consider.

Balance is the part of life that cannot be changed. Balance exists throughout the universe. It is a basic part of physics; every action is balanced by an equal and opposite reaction. Energy in the universe is counterbalanced by dark energy. Currently dark energy is greater than the energy we know; that is why the universe continues to expand forward trying to balance things out. If we ever get to a balance of energy in the universe, the universe will become static as far as the expansion. If light energy ever gains the upper hand, the universe will begin to collapse and that would be a very bad thing, with a reversal of the big bang.

We humans could not walk upright without balance. Very elderly people fall down a lot because they lose the balance they had in younger years. Balance is the key in yoga, karate, kung Fu. We humans require a balanced diet for our bodies to work properly. Losing balance in our diet leads to major health issues. We get away with bad diets in our younger years, but sooner or later that catches up with us and the repercussions are not good.

Athletes require excellent balance to become what we call great at the sport in which they participate during their careers. Ballerinas have a fantastic sense of balance.

Rain falls and fills rivers. Rivers run to the sea. The sea evaporates water which fills clouds. Clouds come over land and eventually drop rain, which continues the cycle and balances everything out again.

Currently greenhouse gasses are warming the planet, putting more warm moisture into the air which is causing more violent and more frequent storms. That is bad enough, but with polar ice caps melting that puts more water into the seas, raising sea levels.

Mother Nature does not like the imbalance and she is reacting to it. If we continue to deplete the rainforests and do not reverse the growth of greenhouse gasses this planet will be a harsh place to live upon; that is if life is even possible in the future.

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