Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sentinel, Once upon a time 210509

      Photo from American Pest company.

       There was once upon a time

      When I was in my prime

      There was a mouse upstairs on the farm

      I wanted to do it no harm

      I sheparded it into a corner where it had nowhere to go

      I put down the flat side of a trash can and it went in there ever so slow

      I lifted the can and went outside with the mouse in tow

      Where to dump it I did not know

      I had a pen full of chickens

      I wondered if they might consider it finger lickens

      To my surprise

      There was delight in their eyes

      The first chicken grabbed it and tried to run with it

      The other chickens would have none of it

      They chased the one with the mouse

      All over the chicken house

      The mouse went from beak to beak

      A nice warm dinner they did seek

      I finally turned my eyes away

      Not wanting to see the carnage that day

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