Friday, May 7, 2021

Sentinel, The Defiling of the English Language 210507

      This first paragraph is just statistics, the weight of the post comes below. This is difficult to believe but there are over one million words in English. There are 170,000 words in use. By far this last statistic is impossible for me to believe; 20-30,000 words in use by regular people.

      We Americans butcher our native tongue. We use mostly four letter words and three letter acronyms, such as MPG, AKA, CIA, FBI. It is my opinion our language isn’t even taught properly in our grade and high schools. And its vocabulary is not stressed enough or at all.

      Our four letter words are terribly overused. I will attempt to make my case using just three of those four letter words. The first word is love, which is in my opinion the most beautiful word in the language. We overuse the word as in; I love fresh salads. I love movies. I love springtime etc...

      The second word is a despicable, nasty one, hate! We overuse it in sentences such as, I hate school. I hate Jimmy. The most horrible way to me would be in a sentence, I hate you mother or father. There probably fifty different was to use the word hate!

      Now the last of the three words is not used in polite language, you who may be easily offended may stop reading here. Those of you who are curious will continue on. The last word is I think one of the most versatile words in common language. The word is a highly overused bit of our language. It may be used as a noun, an adjective, an adverb, a pronoun or an interjection. It can be used to indicate something very good or something very bad. That word is Fuck. I learned it early in life from other kids. It was used in practically every sentence when I was in the navy. It is in movies, in books and alas it sometimes slips past my own lips when something is unexpected and goes horribly wrong.

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