Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sentinel, Death 210529

       People face death every day. Thousands of people die day after day in this country. More people are born every day.

      There is one thing about death; that is there is no way to avoid it. The day will come for you and for me. My thinking is that many, if not most, fear that final day in their life. I do not fear death. My concern is the suffering that may go on for long monthds of agony before death.

       My way of thinking about death is that while the body ceases functioning and returns to ashes and dust, the spirit lives on forever. When we lose a loved one, we grieve as much for us as we do for them. To me, as long as we remember that person, he/she is still with us. Another thing is this: every one of us came from two people, a father and a mother. That father and mother came from another father and mother. That comes to six people from which each of us is a product. If we go farther back in time to the first humans who procreated, that means we are brother or sister to half of today’s world. Perhaps that’s why humans fight so much, because we are siblings no matter how far apart that lineage goes.

       One last thing I want to mention is the following. If we carry this to the ultimate, if we believe the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, God (or by whatever name you like to call the supreme being, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh) created all humans, making all of us brothers and sisters and children of God’s consciousness. So why wouldn’t our spirit go on living forever?


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