Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sentinel, Calls you want to receive and calls you don't want 210519

This post is about my experiences with cell phones. I have had 3 of them so far.

The first one had a number that someone had before. His name was Rickey. I received a huge number of calls from bill collectors that Rickey owed money to. It took months for me to get through telling people I was not Rickey and did not know him.

The second phone was in my last name and I had bill collectors harassing me for someone whose first name was Sharon and the last name matched my last name. That also took months to convince people I was not Sharon, I was Bill and I did not know her.

Now I am onto my 3rd phone and I have gotten hundreds of calls from either of 2 outfits wanting to loan me money or better services with credit cards. One uses the name Julie, the other is using the name Karen. I started blocking the calls, but they switched the numbers they were calling from, so the calls kept rolling in day after day. With the help of my nephew, (cell phone wizard) I now have my phone set so I only receive calls from my personal contacts. Those contacts include my friends, family, doctors and hospitals.

Now onto calls I want to make. It seems that most businesses and doctor’s offices require me to first speak to a robot, which I do not like to do. I give all the information and then get through the first hurdle. The next hurtle I am required to give the same information and then I finally get to speak with a real person to give he/she the same information all over again before I can resolve the issue at hand. I think this routine is horribly wrong and I do not appreciate the whole situation. There may be a solution out in the ether somewhere or perhaps someone receiving this has already figured out how to bypass the robots and just speak with a human being. By the time I get to a human, I am already frustrated and I do not ever want to be harsh to a human.

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