Monday, May 31, 2021

210531 Sentinel, Advertising

210531 Sentinel, Advertising
       I have been watching TV in the afternoons lately. There are commercials that I see. One I like is a Levis ad that says something like this: Buy better, throw less away; save the planet. My thinking is that it is a good thing to do. I have been a Levis guy all of my life. They are comfortable and they last a long time

       When I am on Face book, there are always a column of commercials running down the right side of the screen. I do not care for that at all. They seem to be scams of one kind or another. I realize Face book knows a lot about me, as does YouTube. They have algorithms that try to pinpoint your likes and dislikes, where you live and how to get in touch with you. That is a little uncomfortable to me. I realize what I didn’t give them, they acquired on their own. Now when they show a selection of movies I might enjoy, that is fine. The Face book ads annoy me because I have yet to see anything I am interested in and the few I have perused appear to be outright scams. I know that I am not the brightest bulb in the closet, but just how stupid do they think I am? Anything that is predatory is out of the bounds of human decency. My conclusion is that the ads must work or advertisers would not purchase them, unless perhaps running ads on Face book is pennies in relation to the profits of ripping off your fellow man.



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