Saturday, May 22, 2021

Sentinel, Travels 2105

Sentinel test
      I never did this over the road traveling, but I wish I had the opportunity to do it. The picture below is Jack Kerouac an American writer and a traveler across our country..

      Jack took off and traveled the country, sometimes alone, sometimes with his dog. He just wandered about seeing whatever there was to see. I find that idea exciting. I never had the opportunity to do that. Those of you who have read my story “The Final Voyage” have an idea of what I wish I had done. The story was only in my imagination, but what a journey it would have been to experience.

      I met an interesting character during my Burroughs days by the name of Tom. We were all still young in those days. He had several jobs prior to working at the big “B”. Nothing lasted for a long time. He bought a big Dodge van and he and his wife started heading west from Minnesota with no particular plan in mind. I recall him saying they lived in that van for a year, working odd jobs and continuing their travels every so often. Once they finally got to San Diego, they were tired of all the traveling. He got a job, they bought a home and were there as long as I was and more.

      I still dream about it, but no longer have the constitution to actually take off and just roam with nothing to carry and no one to worry about but myself.. One of the things I liked about my navy time and being aboard ship was that I walked up the gangplank with nothing but my sea bag and nothing to worry about. The ship fed me, gave me a place to sleep, a lot of excitement and a chance to see foreign countries that the majority of people never get to see.


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