Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Sentinel, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus

      This post comes from a book “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus.” The book was published in 1992. Joyce had excellent vision back then and was a voracious reader. She finished the book and requested that I read it.

      Those of you who know me are aware of the fact that I was very interested in self improvement in the nineties. (I almost made it through writing that last sentence without giggling because I was not that way back then.)

      I did relent and read the book for her. 286 pages was okay I suppose. One thing I’m not sure of whether it was in the book or Joyce told me this:
Women talk to other women about their issues and women will just listen to them. Women express their issues to men but men always have to tell them how to fix their problem. I believe that I did try to change my ways, but was not successful for a very long time afterward.

      I was still on the road to some semblance of maturity though I was only 47 back then. I had little to no experience with mature women until 1988. From then to now at nearly 76 years old I have made moderate strides with understanding mature women. What may have been true in 1992 is not true with today’s mature women. They do not just listen, they are quite willing to tell a man how to repair his issues and they do it!

      One last thing before I end this. Mars is much closer to Earth than Venus is; so one might contend that men are more "down to Earth" than women are.

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