Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Sentinel, Education 210303

      It has been said that education is the one thing they can’t take away from you.

      My formal education is nothing to brag about. I did take 3 college courses, but that was all. I did however have a lot of training in the navy. It was all very good, though some things I was trained on I never had a chance to work on or even see the equipment. I did 3.5 years instructing in Millington, Tennessee and I discovered that teaching others was a wonderful way to educate myself. One never wants to stand before a class of 30 smart young men and women and get stumped by a question or not be able to explain and answer properly.

      Later on I worked at Burroughs computer company for 10 years and had a lot of training there in schools they had around the country. Later I worked at Litton for 19 years and 6 months. No formal training there, but what I learned in the navy and at Burroughs made my job at Litton possible.

       One class I taught way back in the navy days was the theory and use of a device called a Time Domain Reflectometer. I had never seen one before teaching the class or after in the navy. However, 27 years later at Litton we acquired one and used it extensively. So the old saying is true, education can never be taken away from you. Not only that, but one never knows when he/she will get to use that education.


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