Friday, February 26, 2021

Sentinel, Notes and Quotes 210226


      We got our first Covid-19 shot this morning. It is now 3 hours later and I am just now feeling some tightness in my arm when I raise it. That is not bad for me at all. Usually when I see a list of side effects I get them all, but not so today so far.

      I remember today an incident that happened 56 years ago when I went to Tokyo. I was hungry so I stopped at restaurants looking at the menus that were on the windows. They actually had plastic recreations of each food item in the window sill. When I went in and ordered, the food came to me looking exactly as the display did and it was wonderful! The reason I remember it so well was the restaurant was full of Japanese locals and they were all having soup. As they consumed their soup they were all slurping out loud! If we children did that at home my mother would instantly correct us, but in Japan slurping is a way of telling the chef that his soup is very good. Here in America I see TV commercials with delicious looking sandwiches, but when I go there what I get is far smaller that what the commercial shows and in fact the sandwich doesn’t begin to resemble what I saw on TV.

      Whenever you do a deed, you sow a seed, the result of which you may never see. Anonymous.

      The wise man is he who knows what he doesn’t know. Anonymous.

      Americans will always do the right thing after they try everything else. Winston Churchill

      Everything happens for the best, though you may not see it. Joyce’s grandmother.

      Never worry about going to hell because this life is as bad as it gets. Joyce’s grandmother.

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