Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sentinel, Synchronicity, Plans, Changes 210203

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


I have mentioned this before, and there are many definitions for the term coined originally by Sigmund Freud. In my case when I begin to think about something it happens within a day or at most a week. I know that is weird, impossible and for me sometimes scary. 2 days ago I sat thinking I would love to have a full night’s sleep and wake up with no pains and have a wonderful day and it happened, the next day. It was heavenly and such a change.


It has been my experience that when I make a plan, write it down and read it every day, the plan comes to fruition. I made a plan for my then distant retirement back in 1980, kept that sheet of paper and read it every day and was ready 7 years before the collective forced retirement when Litton/Northrop/Grumman closed the doors in Springfield. It would have worked better had not interest rates been pushed to near zero for the first time in my lifetime.


In the last 5-6 years changes have seemed to be coming faster than ever. Stores closing, companies going out of business, now the pandemic, these are just a few things in my life. My overall situation has come with anything technical. I have become dependent on the internet. My phone service, my rent, my banking, my email, my blogging, our streaming TV service is internet dependent. My phone is being constantly updated, not always for the better. My computers are being updated constantly and I find myself struggling to do the things I did well before are now all changed and I have to relearn how to do what I did before. In some cases the tools I used are no longer available. They like me have become outdated and dismissed by the gods of electronics and computers. It’s frustrating and at the same time it's out of my control, so all I can say is 3 little words commonly abbreviated by the letters WTF!

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