Thursday, February 4, 2021

Sentinel, Food, Faces and Microwaves 210204


      I have always been mystified as to why people take pictures of their lunch or supper and then post the picture. I always figure they might have something more relevant to post. Then this morning I saw something in my cinnamon hot cream of wheat cereal. It looked to me like an image of a human skull. By the time I got my camera it was not as sharp as it originally was, but I took the picture and I am sharing it. Maybe I am over the top on my estimation of the image in the cereal.

      I am also seeing images in the late evening when I close my eyes in the dark and contemplate. Eyes closed in a dark room and I see facial images that drift in and out. They are never any face I know or remember ever seeing. The faces change as they drift away. Some might go from gaunt to chubby, while others gain more hair on their head or grow facial hair. And then there are the ones who initially have human skulls, eyes and faces that change into extraterrestrials with huge black eyes, narrow chins and extra large craniums. Every so often a blue or pink flash forms with a face inside it. I figure the blue ones are males and the pink are females, but it’s difficult to tell because the flashes and faces are smaller than the others. Maybe those are new babies.

      Maybe this is all caused by the ever growing levels of microwave radiation that surrounds me? You may remember in 1978 the American embassy in Moscow was bombarded by microwaves from Russian agents in the 2.5 gigahertz to 4 gigahertz range American employees were coming down with brain and breast cancers. Something interesting to me is this: those frequencies are what is used in those cell phones you have in your ear for hours every day. That is bad enough, but now with the advent of the new 5G towers you will have higher doses of radiation all around you and that will be at a higher microwave frequency. There are already people living on the top floors of apartments that are becoming sick from the radiation of 5G antennas placed on the roof of the buildings just above their heads.


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