Monday, February 1, 2021

Sentinel, Dreams and Schemes 210201

The Sentinel


Dreams are a funny thing, we have no control over them, yet they do tell us something about our subconscious thinking. There’s an old story about a man who had a dream about being a butterfly, flitting about from flower to flower in the warm sunlight. He awoke the next morning and pondered am I a man dreaming about being a butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming about being a man?

I think about that in a slightly different way. Am I a spirit dreaming I am a man or am I a man who will become a spirit at some point? If so, we may all be in truth a spirit for eons yet only a man or a woman for brief periods of time between multiple incarnations.


One trip aboard ship to Japan I was still young at the time, and I was in a bar not far from the naval base of Yokosuka. After a few beers I had to relieve myself; I was standing at the urinal when a young Japanese woman walked in and just 3 feet away said “hello,”dropped her pants and sat down for the same reason as I was there. Now in that situation, a woman 3 feet away and dropping her pants in front of me would have been shall I say stimulating? But in that instance, she was so nonchalant it did nothing for me at all. Something that was so out of the normal and never happened since, has stayed with me for nearly 50 years.


I have never liked either liars or cheats. I just cannot tolerate them. That is not to say I have never done either, because I have and to this day regret doing both. One such time comes to mind frequently. Final exam for an American History class, the instructor told us the exam would be to write down every single major event in order as the events happened during the entire civil war. It was a daunting task indeed. I did cheat on that one. Even with cheating my grade was a D- for the final. That was over 60 years ago and nonetheless it still distresses me. I am sure I have lied in the past, but nothing comes to mind, no haunting memory of some gigantic whopper of a lie, though I have known some big time practitioners of lies.

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