Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sentinel, Stimulus 210207


      The idea behind the stimulus is to get the economy kick started and with Joyce and me, we were happy to do that. We did our share and used our stimulus and a lot more to support businesses and their employees.

      Here’s my list of them: paper industry (toilet paper, napkins, facial tissues), stores (Walmart, Aldi, Macadoodles, Netflix, Youtube TV, Dollar Tree) rental company (Wooten) farmers (produce, canned goods) gasoline (Exxon-Mobil) prescriptions (pharmaceutical industry). Along the way those purchases supported workers such as clerks, truckers, mechanics, manufacturing laborers and distributors. To top it off the taxes helped schools, libraries, local government, state government, national government and road improvements.

      We were giving back all we received and more.

      This just occurred to me, another benefit, I learned how to spell stimulus. If another stimulus comes through I'll get to practice writing the word again and possibly remember how the word is properly spelled.

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