Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sentinel, Violence 210131


      Violence seems to be the order of the day here lately. I have been wondering about this and trying to figure out why this is happening? Where does this rage come from? I saw the event on TV at our nation’s capital. I have seen videos with police overtly violent with people. I understand some of that with the police; were I in that position getting a load of crap 10 times a day, every day from the citizenry, I think I would want to punch the next guy’s lights out when he dealt me yet another round of static. Road rage is something that is beyond me. I get irritated when someone cuts me off when I am going down the highway, but I never thought I would want to shoot someone for that.

      I do have a theory on the subject (you knew that was coming up at some point in this post). The following are some of the things that come to mind. Frenzy, we are always in a rush, being late for work or an appointment makes us frustrated and angry. Watching whichever brand of politics we prefer on TV makes us mad about what the other side is doing. We have become accustomed to instant gratification and if things aren’t happening fast enough we are incensed. Movies are I believe, part of the problem. I stream a lot of movies and it seems that the majority are all violent, shooting and killing people, blowing things up, stalking and harassing other people. I think my readers are not much affected by that , but perhaps the low intellects out there get the ideas from those movies and they think doing that to someone will make the perpetrator feel they have the revenge that they rightly deserve for whatever slight that may have been pointed in their direction. It may start out as bullying in schools, but then as adults (physically not mentaly) they act out more malicious more harmful things. One last thought, video games. The popular games I see advertised all seem to be centered around mayhem, shooting people, places and blowing things up, driving cars fast and crashing them. Again, a normal person may not consider doing those things, but then we appear to be running low on normal people lately.

      I could be wrong; I have been there before and will be there again.


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