Monday, December 21, 2020

The Sentinel, This Christmas 201221

      This Christmas will be different for so many of us, that said it will be another memory under our belt. It may not be our best or even our worst, but it is what it is and that’s all it is. I happen to love that previous line. It speaks the truth and we just have to recognize it for what it is.

      Another thing this year that I think about is a song, “if we make it through December.” This version is by Merle Haggard.
      I pray God will bless you and keep you safe through the year. I do not want to lose any friends or family this year. Joyce and I are both the oldest in our family and friends and we damn sure want to have our turn first at whatever comes after death. We have been to our share of funerals and we don’t want to hear about any more before our own.

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