Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sentinel, Natural Woman 201229

‘She is a Natural Woman’

She out radiates the sun.
She takes my breath away long before the sunset has a chance.
The clouds in the sky hide the sun’s shame at being less radiant than she.
The sunshine sparkling off of the clear waters of a stream, learned to twinkle by copying the sparkle in her eyes.

The gold of the sun is already in her hair.
The red of the grape is in her lips.
All of the colors in nature’s palate pale when compared to her complexion.

The softness of the flower petal is there in her skin.
The petal of the rose feels rough compared to her skin.
The smell of fresh earth can’t compare to her perfume.
The freshness of a spring shower coupled with the heat of a roaring winter fire mimic her kiss.

The branches of the tree are misshapen compared to her limbs.
The flowers swaying in the breeze learned their dance watching her movements.
The warmth of the sun on a cold day is second to the warmth of her arms.
The sound of a meadowlark pales when compared to her voice.

The joy of seeing the sunrise seems shallow compared with seeing her beside me as I awaken in the morning.
The somber note of sunset is trivial compared with seeing her depart.
She is a Natural Woman and she chose to spend her life with me.
For that I am thankful.


My dear Joyce,

There are a myriad of things you do for me that I could do for myself, save one. The one thing you do for me that I cannot do for myself, is giving your love.

There are six billion souls on our planet. Yet there is only one you and one me. In humanity’s entire simmering cauldron, somehow your and my paths met and have continued in a parallel arc across the tiny part of the universe in which we have lived for seventy-five years. I could say we’ve overcome great mountains and sunk into deep crevasses but with you at my side the Alps have become foothills and the Grand Canyon a shallow depression in the earth. Life’s perils became mere bumps along the road, all because I had you by my side.

Of what value is love? Love is the greatest treasure in the galaxy. All seek love. All want and need love. Not all obtain life’s most precious gift, but I, I am one given the greatest gift of all. I have been given you. You are radiant, blessed love.

Time began and humanity spread across the earth. Each element of the human world moved in its own universe. From the earliest life in history the ancestral timeline has moved on toward this moment, not in unison but in millions of different directions. From that history came we two. And when our moment in history is over, the tiny light from our love will continue on through time, just as light still travels out from stars long gone. Somewhere in the log of the universe our moment is recorded. Our light will continue on into eternity long after our lives are extinguished. Nothing can change that. This moment we share is a part of human history that can never be altered.

The rotation of the planet has not changed. The rivers still flow. The flowers still bloom. Only the light from our love has been added. The plan laid out before the dawn of man still continues. The fate that brought us together to this moment can never change. Thank you for being my light, my love, and my star.

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