Monday, December 28, 2020

Sentinel, Intercourse, Airplanes and Moving 201228

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


Joyce and I both enjoy intercourse every day of the week. It stimulates us and we feel great, especially during the horror of the current pandemic. It’s wonderful to while away the hours with a few drinks and stimulating intercourse. With so many couples in a stay at home mode, turn off the computer and the cell phone and enjoy yourselves. Wherever you enjoy intercourse, that’s where you should be, in a chair, on the couch (but turn the TV off) That’s what we do. Outside distractions interrupt you and then you need to restart, kind of like when you get an update on the computer, you always have to restart before continuing again. That is so annoying and a loss of precious time doing what you want to do.

I wonder now how many of you are sitting there thinking these two old people are having intercourse every day? Well here’s the thing, intercourse simply means communication unless you preface the word with sexual.


Back in time when I was an instructor at the naval air technical training command I had a good friend, Larry Wyatt. He was an interesting character who had already accomplished a good rank in the navy, had two successful businesses and he was only in his mid-twenties.

With instructor duty there was time allotted out of the classroom for creating lesson plans, study in the library, doing charity work for navy relief, for the United Way and things such as that. Larry had decided he wanted to be a commercial pilot when he got out of the navy, so he enrolled in ground school on the airfield at the old naval air station that was used to train pilots and navigators during World War Two. It was a good spot to train navigators because when they got lost in flight all they had to do was find the Mississippi river and follow it back to the air station.

Larry needed to build up hours after his first solo flight, so whenever the two of us had free time we would go over to the airfield and go flying in a plane. I don’t remember if it was a Cessna or a Piper Cub, but it was a lot of fun and Larry was a good pilot. Those small planes would take off at a low speed and just lift into the air and the landings were the same way. I don’t know what ever happened to Larry but I’m sure he is a successful man today.


Looking back, Joyce and I have been married just 2 weeks shy of 57 years. In those years we have moved 27 times. That is quite a lot, especially when I consider we lived on the farm for 27 of those 57 years.

I hope we are in our last place as of now. There probably will be one last move for one of us because after one passes the other will not be able to pay the rent here for very long. Besides, one person doesn’t need as much living space.

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