Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sentinel, Butterflies and a Tree 201230

I wrote this and sent it in a birthday card to my Mother, long ago .

Children are like butterflies; they flutter into your life.
The flower that is you nourishes them, and then they fly away.

The one constant is that they always come back to you.
You are the flower that gave them existence.

Thanks for being my flower.
No other flower could have been as beautiful or nurture so well.

A tree…

I see a tree that’s fallen down
Laying upon, woodland ground

I look to side and see a thicket
And wonder what creatures may live in it

I continue to drive along my way
Wishing somehow I might stay

‘Have to get to my job today
‘Have to earn my meager pay

Sometimes I think that it’s a sin
Living like we do, in the world we’re in

We should spend more time outside each day
Time away, from the madding fray

Some peace and quiet in the local wood
Would do a body a lot of good

You live in a city so it just can’t be?
Never saw a city without a tree

Just kneel yourself down, upon the ground
Be still a moment don’t make a sound

Don’t utter a single verse
Just be a part, of the universe

Just look ahead and see that tree
Witness how beautiful nature can be

You’ll be much happier, I guarantee
And best of all, God’s gift is free

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