Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Sentinel, Facing Death 201119

      Every thing in this post is real and has happened to those in the situation.

      Do you ever wonder what it feels like to have a shark bite off one of your legs? When that happens that puts your blood in the water and then another shark will soon bite off another piece of you, but how long do you suffer between the first bite and the second one? What if the first 2 sharks just bite off your 2 legs you might still be alive, so how long would it be before other sharks bite off your head and finally kill you?
      Have you ever wondered about when your car slides off to the side of a cliff and you are balanced so the car is like a teeter totter and your slightest movement could send you down 50 feet onto another road? Suppose you are sitting perfectly still for an hour in the car and afraid to even twitch because that could send you down the cliff, so what would you be thinking for the last moments of your life? Suppose you decide to climb into the back seat to tilt the balance backward toward the safer area, but you miscalculate, what would you think about during the few seconds before you die in a bloody, broken mass?
      What if you were bitten by a poisonous snake? The venom flows into your body. You have 2 things you can do. One, you could rush out of the woods (in some places out of your backyard) but moving your body would make the venom kill you faster. Number 2, you could just lay down and hope someone sees you and brings help before your body slowly ebbs toward death. What would you choose?
      You are hiking on a desolate mountain with huge boulders. You slip and fall between two huge boulders. Your arm is caught between the two boulders. Because the area is so desolate you have to make a decision between cutting your arm off with a pocket knife or laying there and dying. What would you do to save your life?

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