Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Sentinel, Brainwashing 201118

      The word brainwashing was coined by an English professor named Pick in 1950.

      During the Korean war the North Koreans were brainwashing US army prisoners of war with Communist doctrine. There was a movie, “The Manchurian Candidate.” In 1962 about brainwashing during Korea and into politics in our country.
      Until now this reporter thought all of that was over back then. Now I realize our entire American nation is brainwashed. It has occurred via our own news services. We are split right down the middle from the right wing and the left wing news channels. Practically all of us are divided by the news we watch.
      This reporter used to read newspapers both conservative and liberal so he could weigh the truth in both. Now I have no true knowledge of what is right or wrong in the news. I know what I think, but I could be biased one way or the other. At this point there are only 2 choices for news and neither may be correct in what they broadcast. The 2 sides repeat the same ideology all day and all night, over and over with the same thing, so much so that it seems like instead of the one time someone did or said one thing that happened actually happened 10-15 times in the same day.
      If I had a solution to this now obvious brainwashing that we have all fallen victim to, I would certainly share it with you, but I do not have one. We are now experiencing what George Orwell wrote about in 1949, Big Brother has us in his grip with his surveillance on our phone calls, our social media and our shopping and everywhere we go through GPS. If you are not frightened by this, then you must not have a clue as to what is happening right here, right now. In truth if you don’t know or understand all of this, you are one of the lucky ones, just drifting along through your life in blissful unawareness. God bless you, the happy ones.

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