Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Sentinel, Sad and Happy News

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


It’s not the way we would like, but is what we feel is a necessary thing. We will be dining alone, just the two of us. Our hope is that by staying isolated this year we will be around for next year and next year will be better.

With just the two of us, there will be no 20 pound turkey bird. Instead we will have a nice 4-5 pound chicken. I am happy with that because I don’t like turkey. The chicken will be more than enough to fill us up and there’ll be chicken soup the day after thanksgiving. Just like moms used to say, chicken soup is good and good for you.

One year, long ago we two were alone because everyone else in the family had different commitments. So instead of having our regular houseful of friends and family, we decided to pass on cooking a big turkey. We opted for fillet mignon. It was quite delicious and we had tasty side dishes with the fillet. The day was not the same without our usual guests. This year will seem strange as that year did, but next year will be all the better because of this year.

Joyce and I wish you and yours a happy and more importantly a healthy day and stick around for next year.

Joyce and
Her Mother

Both of these fine women have for Joyce and had for her mother an unusual quality that draws people to them. I call it the mother earth syndrome. People we have met at the many casinos over the last 15 years would see Joyce at the casino bar or just sitting at a slot machine, begin talking to her and before long they are telling her their life story and every current problem in their lives. We no longer go to casinos and that takes a load off Joyce’s life. When Joyce was still working it was the same way no matter where the workplace was.

Every place her mother lived the entire neighborhood would seek her out for counseling and resolution to their problems. Our daughter has that same quality. I don’t know what that is or why it is, but they have that certain something that draws people to them.


I believe that humans have a built in sense of instant judgement when they see or first meet another person. That has been with people since we first existed. My experience has shown me that people tend to like others that they feel superior to and tend to dislike those they feel inferior to. In a workplace, managers are often disliked because of their position above workers.

For 99% of my life I have been as I have stated before, the 76% man. People who meet me seem to sense that and I get along well with them because they feel they are equal to me, they are and I am fine with that. The only time I was ever really despised was when I was aboard the USS Enterprise and was in charge of the radio and navigation repair shop. That was a strange feeling for me and since then I have shunned any position of authority. I have been offered a position more than once but declined, That’s just me.

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