Monday, November 2, 2020

The Sentinel, D Words 201102

      I have no idea how this idea came to me this morning, but I will proceed with it. There are 4 D words I want to write about; they are dimensions, dementia, degenerate and D-cups.

      I am fascinated with the idea of multiple dimensions. Discover Magazine has an excellent article on multi-dimensions. Physicists are believing that multiple dimensions are possible and many of them say they believe there are many more than our 3 dimensional world we see. 5 dimensions are conceivable, but there could be thousands more.
      It has been said that if there are aliens from outer space that it would take them light years to get here in what we go by as space time, however, with multi-dimensions it could happen in the blink of an eye. That would explain how UFOs can appear and disappear in less than a second.
      Dementia is a term used to describe loss of memory, problem solving skills and general thinking skills. It is said to be brought on by Alzheimer’s disease. While multiple dimensions are entirely possible, dementia is as real as a heart attack. No one likes dementia, no one wants dementia.
      Degenerate is a term used to describe a person who is immoral, corrupt or perverted. No one likes a degenerate, except perhaps another degenerate.
      D-cup. There are some men who say they don’t like a d-cup. They prefer a different size. The beauty of this world is that fact that there is a size for everyone and that brings joy to the world.

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