Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Sentinel, Spirits 201022

      I believe we all have a spirit. That spirit goes somewhere when our bodies fail us. Some may go into the universal consciousness, some may hang around this world for reasons unknown.
      Christians like to speak about being born again in the spirit of Christ. I can believe in that. Millions of people believe that and yet there is no proof and likely never will be in this world.
      Buddhists believe in being born again. They call it reincarnation. They also believe that we are essentially spirits that are temporarily put into human bodies as many times as necessary to achieve true enlightenment. Once we get there, then we remain in spirit. Similar to Christian beliefs of being born again in Christ and living in heaven. Again there is no proof of that and never will be in this world.
      If you are still reading at this point, I will pose this question. If you were to be reincarnated, what would you like to be reborn as?
      I think about that frequently and I do not have an answer. Would I want to be rich and powerful? I don’t think so. Would I want to be poor and homeless? I can answer that with one word, no. I think I would just like to be brilliant and kind, but many truly intelligent people may be frustrated with the actions of dumb and lazy people. That leaves me without an answer again. I think the truth of the matter is, should I be reincarnated I will not have a choice of what I’ll be, where it will happen and when it will happen. The cards are dealt and you play the hand you get.

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