Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Sentinel, Early Halloween......201021

      Below is our daughter, who has always wanted to be a witch or an evil Disney character. As you can see she still likes to get into costume for what she calls her best day of the year.
      My mother used to check my siblings candy when they came home from trick or treating. She would always take all of the jelly beans and eat them after the kids went to sleep. She loved those jelly beans. When the kids got up the next morning they were never happy about that.
      We were living in Millington, Tennessee and Joyce took our daughter Annie out trick or treating while I stayed home to hand out candy. While they were gone, I handed out bushel baskets of candy we had for the kids. I ran out of candy and all of my loose change and having nothing left to hand out; I turned out the porch light. Annie and Joyce finished and came home. Joyce asked why the light was off. I explained and then the light went back on so Annie could hand all the candy she had acquired over the evening. She had as good a time doing that as she did getting candies for herself.
      We were in Escondido, California when Annie was older and driving. She found the biggest pumpkin we ever saw and brought it home. It was sitting beside the front door and every little child that came to the house would get down to hug that pumpkin and tell Joyce how much they loved the pumpkin.

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