Friday, October 23, 2020

The Sentinel, The most Important Thing

      This picture is from the nineties and we don't look much now as we once did, but that's okay by me.

      There are a lot of important things in life as we live it. What is the most important thing? Well I am going to tell you what I believe is the most important thing.
      The most important thing we have as human beings is love! We humans crave love from another human. Our lives are not complete without it. The luckiest man or woman in the world is one who has someone to love. It does not matter what race or ethnicity one belongs to; the answer is the same, love!
       I have been blessed with a woman to love going on 56 years now. She is still the most important thing in my life. Some people never have a real love in their life, some only have one to love for a brief time, but they have had one. That love is never forgotten.
      Someone to kiss and hug every morning or evening is the best part of life. My advice to any and all is to promote a love and cherish it every single day you have it.

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