Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Sentinel, shopping fun 201020

      I have had some funny things happen while shopping. I hope you enjoy them.
      Christmas of 1974 we were nearly broke. We managed to get a few things for our young daughter, but for us there was nothing more than a few dollars. I went to the local Ben Franklin store and found an electric blanket for our double bed. It was a nice one with dual controls, one for each side of the bed. That was going to be it for the year. I put it on the bed Christmas eve, hoping to have a great night’s sleep. Through the night I kept getting cold, so I kept increasing the setting for more warmth, but it just didn’t work. The next morning Joyce and I were having breakfast when I said, “I need to take that blanket back to the store because it wasn’t working at all; I was so cold all night.” Joyce said, “good, because I was overheated and every time I turned the setting down it just got hotter.” I thought about that for less than a minute when it occurred to me that I had the controls on backwards so we were controlling each other’s side instead of our own. A quick swap and everything was fine. We used that blanket for years in comfort.
      Fast forward 39 years I was in the grocery store at the meat counter. I picked out a nice pork roast and put it into my empty cart. As I was looking for something else, I noticed two gray-haired older ladies beside me glancing at the meat counter. They didn’t see anything they wanted to purchase so they departed the area. I couldn’t find anything more I wanted to buy so I decided to leave for another section of the store. I turned to get my shopping cart, but it was gone! In its place there was an abandoned cart with some lettuce, salad dressing and pasta. I thought for a moment and realized they had taken my cart and left theirs by me.
      I grabbed their cart and went looking for them. They were two aisles over when I saw them. They were facing away from me. I thought I might have some fun with them. I walked up within about four feet from them and said, “pardon me ladies.” They both turned around to face me and I said, “I’m a bit of a psychic and I’m sensing that you are planning on having salad and pasta for supper tonight.” They had a look of incredulity on their faces. Then I told them I also thought they had a pork roast in their cart. They then shook their heads and said no they didn’t have a pork roast. My reply was look into your cart. They did and turned back in a near state of shock. That was when I confessed it was just a joke and that they had taken my cart and that was how I knew what they were having for supper. We had a good laugh and then we exchanged carts and parted company.
      I had purchased a big van in summer of 2006 and Joyce was using it to go to the grocery in Willard for the first time. She had the cart full of groceries with heavy things on the bottom and lighter on top. She was wearing flip flops and when she brought out the cart to the van and opened the hatchback it hit the cart, so she pushed the cart back away from the van. The market parking lot had a steep slope to it and the cart started going down the hill. She couldn’t run to catch it in the flip flops, so it rolled all the way to the curb at the edge and when it hit the edge the loaf of French bread she bought sailed off like a torpedo onto the grass below. The bread was unharmed, and the next time she in the store, she shared her story and the checkout people told her that happened frequently there.

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