Friday, September 11, 2020

Your Sentinel, Socialism 200911

The politics of this country and this upcoming election are portrayed as conservatism verses socialism. Conservatism or capitalism are the antonyms of socialism. One party preaches that everyone should be self-sufficient, work hard and make a lot of money or you have no value in society and you do it without any help from the rest of society. The other party believes people who haven't made a lot of money are still humans and need a helping hand at times.

Now that seems right to conservatives, capatalists, but here is where the rub comes in. In a true capatilism society people create a business, run that business, but when the business fails, they go bankrupt. They are penniless and tossed out on the street. That's it plain and simple, but wait, there is somethiing wrong here. A hundred years ago that is what happened, but now, not so. In 2008 George W. Bush, conservative, bailed out General Motors and Chrysler corporations to the tune of 17.4 billion taxpayer dollars. But wait, he wasn't done there, he also bailed out the big banks. Now if we refer back to conservatism, capatilsm, those car companies and banks were bailed out with taxpayer's dollars. That should not have happened in a true capatalistic society. That was plain and simple socialism for wealthy corporations! Fast forward, 2017-2020 conservatives have given a total of 23 billion dollars to bailout large farming interests, due to the trade war with China, again taxpayer dollars, yes socialism. 2020 conservatives are pumping 25 billion taxpayer dollars into the airline companies, yes socialism again.

Here is what gets under my skin, conservatives want to send out billions of dollars to failing companies, but nothing, not a penny to what they consider to be failing human beings.

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