Sunday, September 13, 2020

Your Sentinel, Good People

I have so many friends and neighbors that are good people, despite the fact that we disagree on some things. I don't care about the different thinking as long as people are good. We are all a product of our DNA, our parents, grandparents and their forebearers. That is what shapes us and our thinking on everything. I am more a product of my grandfather and mother, while my siblings are more of my father and his lineage. Now I always tried to please my father, but it was never enough, that is until he (good man that he was) got to the point when he needed help and who did he come to, me. Despite all of the disparaging comments he gave me in his lifetime, he came to me when he was in need, and I followed his wishes and needs, (with Joyce's help of course.)

I wandered off course here when I am trying to make a point about good people. With minor exceptions, most people are very good, They always try to do the right thing in every situation. I continue to believe it is difficult for anyone to do things they know are wrong. It happens when they justify the horrific things they do because of some minor injustice they perceive was done to them.

Everyone suffers some injustice in their life, most get over it as a fact of life, others do not and they go on a rampage forever after. I do not despise them for that, morever I pity them for making their own life miserable and then try to make others lives the same way.

There is a classic song Joyce loves that is a song from her favorite group "The Eagles", the song is titled 'Get over it'. My thinking is that should be a mantra for everyone.

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