Monday, September 7, 2020

Sentinel, Zircon Chapter 4 200910

Zircon Chapter 4

I soon began to see the real value and meaning in life. I sought more and more quests and gained status. My life began to evolve to a nighttime living and a daytime existence. One I loved, the other I hated. My whole thinking slowly changed. I began to realize what a dangerous world we lived in and I reacted. I never left the home without my pistol. My pockets began to droop with the weight of the pistol and a switchblade. Right or wrong, I wasn't going to be caught without a weapon to protect myself. I began to see the obelisks when I was at work. At first I wondered if others could see them? I cleverly worked conversations to the subject of new or strange things around the building. When no one else had seen them I realized that they were in a stealth mode and only I could see them because I had experience with playing zircon.

I advanced to a new level today. I had enough experience points and enough battle points to be advanced. I was thrilled! It was amazing how the hours would wile away when I played the game. I was living the game. I would see an unknown person approach and I would go into defensive mode. I didn't have my sword at work in the mundane world, so I would pat the switchblade knife concealed on my person. Then I felt as safely prepared in the day world as I was in the night world. The day world characters began to be scarier to me than the game world characters. I knew what to expect from the computer world characters; I didn't have a clue about the daytime people. I began to live for the night and the day seemed to be like a dream, a bad dream.

Days dragged by with endless slogging through mindless tasks. My head ached with the non-stop banality of the day. They seemed to drift by with all the speed of a slug crossing a cabbage leaf. The meaning of those events approached cell division in an amoeba. But when the eternal day ended, the time clock began to accelerate and it was warp speed Mister Sulu! I would sit at my machine and as quickly as it would boot up I was off to join my comrades in another adventure. My blood surged through my veins as the excitement mounted! I was once again alive! I was racing across a darkened land into adventure. My cape fluttered in the winds of silica. My quest to find a key to unlock the chest of treasure caused my blood to course through my veins.

I began to hear things coming from the computer that weren't quite fitting with the normal game play. Someone who seemed to be telling me things that were not in the quests would distract me. I would get very sleepy, and then I'd feel my eyelids getting very heavy. I'd pass out at the computer.

I'd wake up late for work in the morning and have to race to avoid getting fired. As soon as I'd settle down I'd be falling asleep there from exhaustion. I was getting confused. I didn't know what to do.

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