Monday, September 7, 2020

Sentinel, Zircon Chapter 5

Zircon Chapter 5

On Tuesday I was late again! I slid into my cubicle and tried to look very busy and prayed no one would notice my indiscretion. The loser on the other side of the partition knew and couldn't wait to harass me. I was getting pretty tired of him too. Even when I did something right, he would find fault, some tiny flaw in everything I did. He was as bad as my boss. I think they were related or something. The apples didn't fall far from that family tree.

My boss walked by and asked me to his office for a little chitchat. I went, hoping he was going to commend me for some good job I had done. It turned out that ferret face James, on the other side of the cubicle, ratted me out!

He opened with: "Bill, I've noticed a marked decrease in your performance level." That's when I tuned him out. I was steadily increasing in levels of play and he just didn't know what he was talking about. Actually I had begun to suspect he was really one of the dark lords. Now my suspicion was confirmed, he had to be defeated! I was pretty sure I knew where his castle was and I could recruit three or more warriors to dispatch him despite his obvious powers of deception. "So I thought I should warn you Bill that if your performance continues to decline, I'll have to put you on notice of discipline."

"Um, sure, I'm sorry; I'll get myself squared away and a, do my job." Not that you'll ever see it I thought. You'll not see the dawn.

That night I sought warriors to go with me and slice the dark lord to ribbons. It was easy to recruit four stalwart players who were eager to defeat a monster and gain experience and combat points. I waited near the dark lord's castle but my warrior pals never showed up. As the dawn began to peek above the horizon, I left for home myself. It wouldn't do to be seen in my slayer costume in public. I'd have to chastise those guys tonight.

I fell asleep when I was changing clothes and didn't wake up until almost dark. I knew I was in trouble at work so I didn't bother to go in so late. I went on-line instead. I rounded up my fellow warriors and asked them where they were for the quest? Apparently they had not followed their compass very well, a common failure for new warriors. I would arrange this event for a later time.

When I arrived at work the next day the dark lord was at the door waiting for me. "Bill, we just talked day before yesterday! We had an understanding."

"I'm sorry, I was sick and couldn't get out of bed to call you," I lied. He continued for several minutes, but all I could think was, yak it up dark lord, your time is soon to come. I needed to take him out before he could institute disciplinary proceedings against me. Once that happened, I would be suspect.

"You have to call me so I know you won't be here and I can get someone to cover your assignments. Besides failure to show up or call in can initiate disciplinary action."

There he goes with the disciplinary crap again. I thought:" You're history dark lord! Even if I have to go it alone, my swift sword can defeat you no matter what armor you may have hidden in your castle. For honor, I shall slay you dark lord!"

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