Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The mind

      This is the mind at work.

      Funny thing about the mind is that the mind never stops working. The subconscious mind controls us when we sleep and all other times, expept when we allow the conscious mind to control an activity such as performing a task or when we contemplate our next day or our plans for the future or do math or play on the computer, things like that are done with the conscious mind.

      This is the enlightened mind in the picture below. When we get this going we can accomplish so much more than the subconscious mind can do. Our conscious mind doesn't make mistakes unless we lose our focus or make up a bad plan to begin with.

      The key to unlocking the conscious mind is to sit quietly and contemplate without distraction. That is difficult to do in our present world. I was having a terrible day yesterday. I had so many things I was worried about with things I had done days, weeks earlier. I was working on my computer early in the day. Noting I did would comeout the way I wanted. Websites were working slow or not at all. The internet speeds were oscillating up and down. It was fecal matter storm. By 9am I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I decided to shut down and go 24 straight hours with no computer no phone no TV, nothing but a single light and absolute quiet! My only input to my brain was reading from my poetry books. Without hesitation I will say that was as difficult as anything in recent memory, but the results were phenomenal! I spent a few hours in quiet meditation, not all at once but broken up time slots. If you are still reading, I can tell you meditation does not have to be done sitting in an uncomfortable lotus position on a hard floor. You can just sit in a chair and not let your mind wander back into a monkey mind that bounces you around for 47% of our daily lives. I found just focusing on my breath in and out works and when I start to drift away pick a word or a phrase to repeat aloud and that will keep the mind focused and not allow song lyrics or worries steal my focus. I do not yet have the enlightened mind in the picture below, but I had a glimpse of what it would be like to have it. That may take many months or years, but from my 24 hours of silence and focus, I know it will be a wonderful thing when I get there. You'll still have your job or daily tasks to perform as you did before, but you will face them in a whole different light and with a different attitude.

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