Monday, August 3, 2020

The Great Mystery 200803

      The greatest mystery in life is life itself. How did everything we see around us begin? Evangelicals have thier version. Scientists have their version. By far the most reasonable version is the scientific one. That is until they get all the way back to the big bang, which did happen, but where did the event that caused the bang come from?
      How is it that we meet all the people in our lives? There are 6 or more billion people on this planet, 300 million of which live in the USA. Joyce and I were raised just a half-mile from each other, went to the same places growing up, knew some of the same people, yet met one night 17 years later under circumstances that would never have happened again. Was that fate or was it a guiding hand? We have met and socialized with people from many places around the world. It wasn't just from being in the navy, so how did we come together? Was it fate, timing, place or that guiding hand?
      Is there a spirit in us or are we just some chemical mixture that formed what we call people? Are we spirits that just for a time take on a body or are we a mixture of chemicals that forms a body?
      Is there some cosmic consciousness that guides our lives as we perceive them or are we just like pinballs in a vast machine bouncing around off bumpers and finally landing in a collection point?

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