Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Sentinel, Time 200719

      Life is a linear measure of time. It does not seem that way because sometimes it appears extended, especially when this reporter is waiting for something, right now with the aging process it seems to be very rapid. This hypothesis can be tested by looking at a digital clock like the one above, then hold your breath while watching the clock change to another minute.
      Right now this reporter has lived 3,265,200,000 seconds, 267,000 hours, 3,910 weeks, 899 months. The years for this man seem to go by in a matter of minutes, although the actual time is still the same as always.
      The time passed is only a memory, gone forever. The future never has no guaranty. It could be years for this guy or it could be a matter of minutes. All this man has is the present. That said, this man is making an effort to make every moment a joy. That is not an easy task, but it is a worthwhile endeavor.
      The facts are these: a person never knows when will be the last time to ever see a friend again; last time to say "I love You", last time to have a delightful meal and saddest thing of all, last time to make love with another human being.
      It is this reporter's hope that others will take these words to heart and practice them as best as is possible, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.

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