Saturday, July 18, 2020

Your Sentinel July 18, 2020

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Trees, who needs them?

How important is a tree?

Let me see what that might be?

They, along with all plant life take in sunlight and through photosynthesis they take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Something tells me we need oxygen. we animals survive on oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. So without trees and plants our atmosphere would fill with carbon dioxide and we would all die.

Nature was created with everything in balance, but somehow mankind has put things out of balance using coal and fossil fuels, so now we need more trees than ever, yet we destroy the rain forests that give us oxygen. Me thinks there is something wrong with this picture.

Your Sentinel

When I started writing the Sentinel I was looking for something catchy that would draw some interest in my thoughts, stories and memories. I got the name from an old Arthur Clark book I read titled "The Sentinel." I figured no one had read a book from 1948, so I adapted the title. The story was about men traveling to the moon, thinking they were the first there and later finding a pyramid that was a sentinel from some other advanced civilization that transmitted information back to them. I found out much later that nearly every state has one or more news sources with sentinel in the name. Boy was I wrong in my thinking!

Old Memory

I was on my 16th birthday and had a job, so I had some money. I passed the test for a driver's permit so that night I got to drive the family car and I took my mother out to supper at a downtown restaurant and then to a movie at the Fox theater, both as fancy as the city had back then. I think it may have been the first and last time mom didn't have to cook supper for the family. The movie was a Walt Disney creation of the original "Parent Trap" with Hailey Mills playing both the twin girls to actors Brian Keith and Maureen O'Hara.

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