Thursday, June 25, 2020

Your Sentinel Notes from the Day 200625

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


I see and hear some interesting things when at Walmart. I passed several feet away from a young mother with 2 children, 1 about 3 years-old, the other four years-old. The older girl asked mom if she could have a chocolate doughnut on the way home. Mom, in a shrill, frightening tone said, "not before you have your lunch." which sounded reasonable without the harsh tone. Then mom in a loud, harsh voice said. "you two are going to your father's house for the night after lunch so you two can come back acting like butt holes." That was hours ago and I still feel sad for what I imagine those two young children will grow up to become after being treated that way.

I was in Walmart wearing my Kitty Hawk cap today. A charming, well aged woman came down the aisle and thanked me for my service. That was nice.

I was walking down a large aisle-way when an older woman passed from the opposite direction with a toddler in the basket. The child (still with a pacifier) looked at at me with its stunning blue eyes and smiled. It made my day because usually when kids see me they are frightened for some reason.


I have been married to a wonderful woman for 56 years now. We have never met anyone that did not like her. I am fine with that because anywhere I would take her she would be welcomed with open arms. There's only one thing that I would change, not about her, but the way I am greeted by anyone who knows Joyce and I show up alone. It's never hi Bill how are you? Rather it's hi Bill where's Joyce? Sometimes it's just where's Joyce or where's your other half? I suppose that's the price one must pay for being with a beautiful, kind and generous woman. I am a lucky man.

Cell Phone

Somehow, some way my cell phone quit working for 2 days and this morning it came back working. I could not connect to the network and the phone showed a message "emergency calls only." I had not dropped it or anything bad. I think the network was down. I only have one phone so I could not contact the customer service folks and could not get any calls. There was just a new software change the company rolled out 2 days before, so I am thinking the update crashed. I need to get a cheap backup phone so I have a way of contacting customer service or receiving any important calls.

The availability and array of phones is staggering, making it difficult to decide which one to get and how much to spend.

Since the Covid-19 thing came along, everything has been screwed up with the internet here. Companies are working with just half the normal staffing and things aren't getting taken care of in a rapid manner. It has taken me months to get changes of address out and sometimes one needs to get into the lobby in a bank for some things, but they have been closed until just recently.

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